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- Name, Registered Office, and Scope of Activities
1.1. The association bears the name Austrian Society for Computer Music, hereinafter referred to as ÖGCM.
1.2. The ÖGCM is headquartered in Vienna and primarily operates within the municipal area of Vienna.
1.3. In addition, the ÖGCM’s activities extend to the entire federal territory of Austria as well as the national and international sectors of computer, electronic, and electroacoustic music.
1.4. The ÖGCM serves as a platform for composers, performers, musicians, and those interested in computer/electronic/electroacoustic music.
1.5. The goal is to bring together interested musicologists, sound artists, audiovisual artists, sound experimentalists, sound engineers, music creators, digital music developers, music programmers, sound designers, music producers, DJs, music enthusiasts, critics, etc., through this platform, to network, initiate collaborations, leverage synergies, experiment with new ideas and art forms, and increase the visibility of computer/electronic/electroacoustic music in Vienna, Austria, and internationally.
1.6. The ÖGCM advocates for the interests of music creators of computer, electronic, and electroacoustic music, particularly through:
1.6.1. Encouragement and mediation as well as performances of their works.
1.6.2. Organization of projects such as events, concerts, and festivals.
1.6.3. Organization of projects in the areas of further education and research.
1.6.4. Organization of school projects and after-school care (youth work).
1.6.5. Exchange of information on topics and questions in the field of computer, electronic, and electroacoustic music.
1.6.6. Public relations through contributions in professional journals, quality media, social media channels, and the ÖGCM website.
1.7. The establishment of branch associations is not intended. - Purpose
2.1. The ÖGCM, whose activities are not profit-oriented, aims to make computer, electronic, and electroacoustic music understandable and accessible to a broad audience.
2.2. This is to be achieved through activities in both analog and virtual spaces such as concerts, workshops, festivals, seminars, webinars, social media activities, internship opportunities, and educational offerings (on-site and e-learning).
2.3. the ÖGCM aims to be the primary point of contact for computer, electronic, and electroacoustic music in Austria and to serve as a representative body for the aforementioned target group. The “ÖGCM” aims to fill a gap in the Austrian association landscape and exclusively focus on computer, electronic, and electroacoustic music. - Means to Achieve the Association’s Purpose
3.1. The ÖGCM’s purpose is to be achieved through the ideal and material means outlined in sections 3.2 and 3.3.
3.2. Ideal means include:
3.2.1. Cooperation with associations dealing with computer, contemporary, electronic, and electroacoustic music.
3.2.2. Regular contact among members.
3.2.3. Lectures and meetings, excursions, discussion evenings.
3.2.4. Public relations and documentation for research purposes and further development.
3.3. The necessary material resources shall be raised through:
3.3.1. Membership fees: Standard membership €30 per year. Supporting memberships with a tiered model starting from €50. Reduced membership for (music) students (with presentation of student ID) €15 per year.
3.3.2. Course fees (the amount of course fees varies depending on the measure).
3.3.3. Grants.
3.3.4. Donations.
3.3.5. Sponsorship.
3.3.6. Educational offerings.
3.3.7. Events, concerts, festivals.
- Types of Membership
4.1. The members of the ÖGCM are divided into regular, extraordinary, and honorary members.
4.1.1. Regular members are those actively involved in the association’s work.
4.1.2. Extraordinary members are those who primarily support the association’s activities by paying an increased membership fee.
4.1.3. Honorary members are individuals appointed by the ÖGCM for their exceptional contributions. - Acquisition of Membership
5.1. Members of the ÖGCM can be any natural persons who promote and support the ÖGCM’s objectives, as well as legal persons and legal partnerships.
5.2. The admission of regular and extraordinary members is decided by the board based on a criteria catalogue. Admission can be refused without giving reasons.
5.3. Until the establishment of the ÖGCM, the provisional admission of regular and extraordinary members is carried out by the association’s founders; in the case of an already appointed board, by board. This membership becomes effective only upon the establishment of the ÖGCM. If a board is appointed after the establishment of the ÖGCM, the definitive admission of regular and extraordinary members until then is also carried out by the ÖGCM’s founders.
5.4. The appointment as an honorary member is made upon the board’s request by the general assembly. - Termination of Membership
6.1. Membership ceases upon death, loss of legal personality for legal persons and legal partnerships, voluntary withdrawal, and expulsion.
6.2. Withdrawal can only take place on the sixtieth (60th) day after notice of termination. It must be communicated to the board in writing in advance. The date of posting is decisive for timeliness.
6.3. The board may exclude a member if, despite two written reminders with a reasonable deadline, they are in arrears with the payment of membership fees for more than six months. The obligation to pay the due membership fees remains unaffected.
6.4. The exclusion of a member from the ÖGCM can also be ordered by the board due to gross violation of other membership obligations and dishonorable behavior. - Rights and Duties of Members
7.1. Regular members are entitled to participate in all ÖGCM events. The right to vote in the general assembly and the active and passive electoral rights are only granted to regular and honorary members.
7.2. Every member is entitled to request the handover of the statutes from the board.
7.3. Members are obliged to promote the interests of the ÖGCM to the best of their ability and to refrain from anything that could damage the reputation and purpose of the ÖGCM. They must adhere to the ÖGCM statutes and resolutions of ÖGCM bodies. Regular and extraordinary members are obliged to pay the admission fee and membership fees promptly in the amount determined by the general assembly. - Association Bodies
The bodies of the ÖGCM are the general assembly (Sections 9 and 10), the board (Sections 11 to 13), the auditors (Section 14), and the arbitration tribunal (Section 15). - General Assembly
9.1. The general assembly is the “member assembly” within the meaning of the Associations Act 2002. An ordinary general assembly shall be held annually.
- 9.2. An extraordinary general assembly shall be convened:
- 9.2.1. By decision of the board or the ordinary general assembly,
- 9.2.2. At the request of the auditors (Section 21 (5), first sentence of the Associations Act),
- 9.2.3. By decision of the auditor(s) (Section 21 (5), second sentence of the Associations Act, Section 11 (2), third sentence of these statutes),
- 9.2.4. By decision of a court-appointed curator (Section 11 (2), last sentence of these statutes) within four weeks.
- 9.3. Both ordinary and extraordinary general assemblies must be convened in writing, by SMS, or by email (to the mobile number or email address provided by the member to the ÖGCM) to regular members at least two weeks before the date. The general assembly shall be convened stating the agenda. The convocation shall be made by the board (Paragraphs 1 and 2 lit. a – c), by the auditor(s) (Paragraph 2 lit. d), or by a court-appointed curator (Paragraph 2 lit. e).
- 9.4. Proposals for the general assembly must be submitted to the board in writing or by email at least one week before the general assembly.
- 9.5. Valid resolutions—except those concerning a request for convening an extraordinary general assembly—may only be passed on items on the agenda.
- 9.6. The general assembly is quiet regardless of the number of attendees.
- 9.7. Elections and resolutions in the general assembly are usually passed by a simple majority of the valid votes cast. However, resolutions to amend the ÖGCM’s statutes or dissolve the ÖGCM require a qualified majority of ninety percent (90%) of the valid votes cast.
- 9.8. The chairman of the general assembly is the chairman, in their absence, their deputy. If both are absent, the chair is taken by the oldest member of the board present or the board member who is determined by the majority of the other board members.
- Tasks of the General Assembly
The following tasks are reserved for the general assembly:
10.1. Resolution on the preliminary budget;
10.1.1. Acceptance and approval of the accountability report and the financial statements, with the involvement of the auditors;
10.1.2. Election and removal of members of the board and auditors;
10.1.3. Approval of transactions between auditors and ÖGCM;
10.1.4. Discharge of the board;
10.1.5. Determination of the amount of the admission fee and membership fees for regular and extraordinary members;
10.1.6. Awarding and revocation of honorary membership;
10.1.7. Resolution on amendments to the statutes and the voluntary dissolution of the ÖGCM;
10.1.8. Discussion and resolution on other matters on the agenda. - Board
11.1. The board consists of three members, namely the chairman and deputy, secretary and deputy, treasurer and deputy.
11.2. The board is elected by the general assembly. In the event of the resignation of an elected member, the board has the right to co-opt another eligible member in their place, which must be approved at the next general assembly. If the board is completely or foreseeably absent for a long period, any auditor is obliged to immediately convene an extraordinary general assembly for the purpose of electing a new board. If the auditors are also incapacitated, any regular member who recognizes the emergency must immediately apply to the competent court for the appointment of a curator, who must promptly convene an extraordinary general assembly.
- 11.3. The term of office of the board is four years, with re-election possible. Each function on the board must be exercised personally.
- 11.4. The chairman, or in their absence, their deputy, convenes the board in writing or verbally. If they are also unexpectedly absent for a long time, any other board member may convene the board.
- 11.5. The board is quorate when all its members have been invited and at least half of them are present.
- 11.6. The board makes decisions by a simple majority vote; in the event of a tie, the chairman’s vote decides.
- 11.7. The chairman presides over the board meeting, or in their absence, their deputy. If both are absent, the chair is taken by the oldest board member present or by the board member chosen by the majority of the other board members.
- 11.8. Apart from death and expiration of the term of office (paragraph 3), the function of a board member ends by removal (paragraph 9) and resignation (paragraph 10).
- 11.9. The general assembly may at any time dismiss the entire board or individual members thereof. The dismissal takes effect upon the appointment of the new board or board member.
- 11.10. Board members may resign in writing at any time. The resignation letter is addressed to the board, or in the case of the entire board resigning, to the general assembly. The resignation takes effect only upon the election or co-optation (paragraph 2) of a successor.
- Duties of the Board
The board is responsible for managing the ÖGCM. It is the “executive body” within the meaning of the Associations Act 2002. It is responsible for all tasks not assigned to another association body by the statutes. Its responsibilities include, in particular, the following matters:
12.1. Establishing an accounting system appropriate to the needs of the ÖGCM, with ongoing recording of income/expenses and maintenance of an asset inventory as a minimum requirement;
12.2. Preparing the annual budget, accountability report, and financial statements;
12.3. Preparing and convening the general assembly in cases specified in Section 9 (1) and (2) lit. a – c of these statutes;
12.4. Informing ÖGCM members about ÖGCM activities, finances, and the audited financial statements;
12.5. Managing the ÖGCM’s assets;
12.6. Admission and expulsion of regular and extraordinary association members;
12.7. Hiring and dismissal of ÖGCM employees. - Special Duties of Individual Board Members
13.1. The chairman manages the day-to-day business of the ÖGCM. The secretary assists the chairman in conducting association affairs.
13.2. The chairman represents the ÖGCM externally.
13.3. Written documents of the ÖGCM require the signature of the chairman for validity in financial matters and legal transactions. In case of the chairman’s absence, the secretary and treasurer are jointly authorized to represent the chairman.
13.4. In case of imminent danger, the chairman is entitled to independently issue orders in matters falling within the scope of the general assembly or the board, subject to their own responsibility; however, in internal matters, these orders require subsequent approval by the competent association body.
13.5. The chairman presides over the general assembly and the board.
13.6. The secretary keeps records of the general assembly and board meetings.
13.7. The treasurer is responsible for the proper financial management of the ÖGCM.
13.8. In case of impediment, the deputy chairman, secretary, or treasurer assumes the duties of their respective positions. - Auditors
14.1. Two auditors are elected by the general assembly for a term of four years, with re-election possible. Auditors may not belong to any association body—except the general assembly—whose activities are subject to audit.
14.2. The auditors are responsible for ongoing financial control and auditing the financial management of the ÖGCM regarding the regularity of the accounts and the statutory use of funds. The board must provide the auditors with the necessary documents and information. The auditors must report the results of the audit to the board.
14.3. Transactions between auditors and the association require approval by the general assembly. Otherwise, the provisions of Section 11 (8) to (10) apply analogously. - Arbitration
15.1. An internal arbitration board is appointed to settle all disputes arising from the association relationship. It is a “conciliation body” within the meaning of the Associations Act 2002 and not an arbitration board under Sections 577 et seq. of the Austrian Code of Civil Procedure.
15.2. The arbitration board consists of three regular ÖGCM members. It is formed in such a way that one party to the dispute nominates a member as an arbitrator in writing to the board. Upon request by the board within seven days, the other party to the dispute must nominate a member of the arbitration board within 14 days. After notification by the board within seven days, the nominated arbitrators must choose a third regular member as the chairman of the arbitration board within another 14 days. In the event of a tie, the decision is made by drawing lots. Members of the arbitration board may not belong to any association body—except the general assembly—whose activities are the subject of the dispute.
15.3. The arbitration board makes its decision after hearing both parties in the presence of all its members by a simple majority vote. It decides to the best of its knowledge and belief. Its decisions are final within the ÖGCM. - Dissolution
16.1. The Austrian Society for Computer Music (ÖGCM) is considered dissolved as soon as dissolution is decided with a two-thirds majority of those present at a properly convened general assembly.
16.2. In the event of voluntary or official dissolution of the association, the remaining assets must be used exclusively for charitable or benevolent purposes. This also applies mutatis mutandis to the cessation of the association’s previous purpose.